April Update!


  • JP was awarded a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Genome Data Science from Ontario Genomics and CANSSI Ontario (OG-CO)!

  • JP will lead a project to investigate the implications of cyclic population demo-genetic dynamics in genetic variation over time using individual-based simulation models, coalescent analyses and empirical datasets. This study is a collaborative study with the Cullingham lab at Carleton University (https://www.catherinecullingham.com/).


  • Clara, Jack and Niamh attend IALE-NA in Riverside, California!

  • We say goodbye and good luck to Sophie, as she leaves us for her job as an Assistant Professor at Simon Frasier University! All the best!

Farewell dinner with Prof. Wilkinson


  • New paper on outbreaks!
    Sturtevant BR, Cooke BJ, James PMA. 2023. Of clockwork and catastrophes: Advances in spatiotemporal dynamics of forest Lepidoptera. Current Opinion in Insect Science. 101005. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cois.2023.101005

  • JP's article on the biogeography of the Neotropical freshwater stingrays (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jbi.14086) has been recognized as a Top Cited Article in Journal of Biogeography for the 2021-2022 period!

  •  Clara attends the SERG-International conference in Victoria, BC!


  • Doriana was awarded a Master’s NSERC! Congratulations Doriana!!

December 2022 mega update.

May 2022

Jack publishes in Forests:

Messaoud Y, A. Reid, N. M. Tchebakova, J. A. Goldman, and A. Hofgaard. 2022. The Historical Complexity of Tree Height Growth Dynamic Associated with Climate Change in Western North America. Forests 13:738.

Sophie accepts Assistant Professor Position in Applied Terrestrial Ecology in the School of Resource and Environmental Management in the Faculty of the Environment at Simon Fraser University – CONGRATS SOPHIE!

June 2022

JP and Niamh attend the workshop "Conservation Genomics"

Clara, Kennedy, Jack, Sophie and Franck present at NAFEW

Patrick, Sophie, Doriana and Franck travelled to jasper to participate in a mountain beetle workshop in Jasper with Laura Chasmer’s team where they discussed the impact of Mountain pine Beetle on Wildfire risk in Alberta with a focus on Jasper’s National Park. Where Franck and Doriana presented some of their research.

Jack was awarded 3rd place in the student presentation competition for his talk on the relationship between moisture availability and burn severity at NAFEW 2022

July 2022

JP becomes a Dad! Welcome baby Senan

A field team composed of Paul, Kennedy, Franck, Léo as well as two volunteer students from the École d’Ingénieurs de PURPAN, Enzo Recchia and Hermine Septier characterized the impact of two outbreaking species of insects, the eastern spruce budworm and the jack pine budworm on forest structure and forest fuels across northern Ontario.

August 2022

JP, Jack, Clara, Morgane and Patrick attend ESA in Montreal!

Patrick publishes a review of insect-fires interactions in Current Forestry Reports:

Fettig CJ, Runyon JB, Homicz CS, James PMA & Ulyshen MD. 2022. Fire and Insect Interactions in North American Forests. Current Forestry Reports, 1-16.

September 2022

Doriana was awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarship, congratulations Doriana!!!

The lab welcomes two new undergraduate students Jacob Klimczak and Cameron Gibson. Jacob and Cameron are joining the lab to study the effect of jack pine budworm on forest structure in Northern Ontario using the data collected during the last field season.

October 2022

Jonas and Patrick publish in Remote Sensing of Environment

Hamberg, L. J., Fisher, J. B., Ruppert, J. L., Tureček, J., Rosen, D. H., & James, P. M. (2022). Assessing and modeling diurnal temperature buffering and evapotranspiration dynamics in forest restoration using ECOSTRESS thermal imaging. Remote Sensing of Environment280, 113178.

November 2022

Sophie, Doriana, Kennedy, Leo and Jack represented our lab group at the Wildland Fire Conference in Edmonton.

Clara Presented at the CANSSI Ontario Statistical Software Conference

May 2022

January 2022

·       Clara and Patrick publish in Earth and Space Science:

o   Risk C & James PMA. Optimal cross-validation strategies for selection of spatial models in the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Earth and Space Science

·       Jonas publishes in Urban Ecosystems:

o   Gaudon, Justin & Mctavish, Michael & Hamberg, Jonas & Cray, Heather & Murphy, Stephen. (2022). Noise attenuation varies by interactions of land cover and season in an urban/peri-urban landscape. Urban Ecosystems. 1-8. 10.1007/s11252-021-01194-4.

February 2022

·       Paul Piascik joins the lab as a technician! Paul has been helping the team plan and will be joining Franck, Kennedy, and Léo in the upcoming field season.


March 2022

·       Niamh passes her Qualifying Exam!

April 2022

·       In addition to helping devise a method to analyze point clouds collected from forests using a Terrestrial LiDAR scanner, Léo is helping prepare for the upcoming field season in Timmins, North Bay, and Northwestern Ontario.

May 2022

·       Léo receives an NSERC USRA to use LiDAR to model how forest fuels change through time following an insect outbreak. Congrats Léo!

·       JP publishes in Integrative and Comparative Biology and Zoologica Scripta:

o   Kolmann, M. K., Marques, F. P. L., Weaver, J., Dean, M. N., Fontenelle, J. P., Lovejoy, N. R. 2022 Ecological and Phenotypic Diversification After A Continental Invasion in Neotropical Freshwater Stingrays. Integrative and Comparative Biology.https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/icac019.

o   Frable, B. W., Melo, B. F., Fontenelle, J. P., Oliveira, C., & Sidlauskas, B. L. 2022. Biogeographic reconstruction of the migratory Neotropical fish family Prochilodontidae (Teleostei: Characiformes). Zoologica Scripta 51.3 (2022): 348-364.. https://doi.org/10.1111/zsc.12531

·       JP is invited to the San Francisco Aquarium Society and the Sacremento Aquarium Society:

o   2022. Fontenelle, J. P. The diversity of the Neotropical Freshwater Stingrays (Potamotrygoninae): Evolutionary perspectives and Aquarism. Invited presentations for the San Francisco Aquarium Society and the Sacramento Aquarium Society. Californa/USA.

·       Patrick publishes in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change:

o   Martin AR, Kish R, James PMA, Mariani RO, Schurman JS, Thomas SC & Young EN. Beech bark disease in an unmanaged temperate forest: patterns, predictors, and impacts on ecosystem function. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

·       Sophie joins the podcast For Peats Sake to talk about peatland fires! Listen here

Winter 2022 mega update

June 2021

Patrick publishes in Current Forestry Reports!

o   Kneeshaw, Daniel & Sturtevant, Brian & De Grandpré, Louis & Doblas-Miranda, Enrique & James, Patrick & Tardif, Dominique & Burton, Philip. (2021). The Vision of Managing for Pest-Resistant Landscapes: Realistic or Utopic?. Current Forestry Reports. 7. 10.1007/s40725-021-00140-z.

JP is invited to the symposium “Phenotype still matters in the genomic era” and the II SBE Meeting. See his talk “Polymorphic, cryptic or hybridizing species? The importance of phenotype in interpreting molecular patterns in a fast-evolving, taxonomically complicated group of Neotropical stingrays” here

JP is featured as an Early Career Researcher in the Journal of Biogeography! Read it here

July 2021

JP’s paper in the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society is published!

o   Fontenelle, J. P., Lovejoy, N. R., Kolmann, M. A., & Marques, F. P. L. (2021). Molecular phylogeny for the Neotropical freshwater stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygoninae) reveals limitations of traditional taxonomy. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. (https://academic.oup.com/biolinnean/article/134/2/381/6329148?login=true)

JP’s paper in Global and Planetary Change is published!

o   Albert, J. S., Bernt, M. J., Fronk, A. H., Fontenelle, J. P., Kuznar, S. L., Lovejoy, N. R. (2021). Late Neogene megariver captures and the Great Amazonian Biotic Interchange. Global and Planetary Change.  (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818121001399)

JP presents his talk “Evolution and Diversity of the Neotropical Freshwater Stingrays: a Genomic Perspective” at the 2021 Joint Meeting of Ichthyology and Herpelotology, hosted as a hybrid meeting in Phoenix, USA.

Clara is awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology!

August 2021

The intrepid team of Jared, Franck, and Kendriah successfully complete and challenging first field season collecting fuels data in post-JPBW stands. Bravo!

September 2021

Doriana goes from undergraduate assistant to MScF student, studying the effects of mountain pine beetle outbreaks on wildlife severity in BC and Alberta. Her thesis work is supported by a grant from fRi Research.

Simon, Julian, and Patrick publish in Molecular Ecology!

o   Legault, Simon & Wittische, Julian & Cusson, Michel & Brodeur, Jacques & James, Patrick. (2021). Landscape-scale population connectivity in two parasitoid species associated with the spruce budworm: Testing the birdfeeder effect using genetic data. Molecular Ecology. 30. 10.1111/mec.16160.

October 2021

Julian publishes in HYSTRIX, the Italian journal of mammalogy!

o   Frantz, Alain & Schleimer, Anna & Wittische, Julian & Heddergott, Mike. (2021). Close spatial overlap between the genetic population boundaries of raccoons and the distribution of the raccoon roundworm in Germany. Hystrix. 10.4404/hystrix-00444-2021.

Niamh is awarded the Ontario Graduate Scholarship!

Patrick publishes in Landscape Ecology!

o   Germain, Marion & Kneeshaw, Daniel & De Grandpré, Louis & Desrochers, Mélanie & James, Patrick & Vepakomma, Udaya & Poulin, Jean-François & Villard, Marc-André. (2021). Insectivorous songbirds as early indicators of future defoliation by spruce budworm. Landscape Ecology. 36. 10.1007/s10980-021-01300-z.

Read Patrick’s contribution to the Ontario Professional Forest Association Newsletter (p. 16) about spruce budworm and wildfire interaction in the boreal forest here

November 2021

First NSERC Fire Network meeting - a pdf of the James Lab slides can be found here

December 2021

Kennedy passes her PhD transfer exam and is officially a PhD student. Congrats Kennedy!

Mathieu Landry successfully defends his PhD thesis at UQAM. Bravo Mathieu

Read all about Jonas’s work using thermal imaging to assess forest health, profiled here

Clara is awarded the SERG-I Graduate Student Award for attendance to a (now 2023) meeting!

Jeremy, Julian, and Patrick publish in Landscape Ecology!

o   Larroque, Jeremy & Wittische, Julian & James, Patrick. (2021). Quantifying and predicting population connectivity of an outbreaking forest insect pest. Landscape Ecology. 10.1007/s10980-021-01382-9.

January 2022

Léo Jourdan joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Léo is helping devise a method to analyze point clouds collected from forests using a Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner. Welcome Léo!

Julian is published in Biodiversity and Conservation!

o   Frantz, Alain & Viglino, Andrea & Wilwert, · & Cruz, Ana-Paula & Wittische, Julian & Weigand, Alexander & Buijk, Jacky & Nyssen, Pierrette & Dekeukeleire, Daan & Dekker, Jasja & Horsburgh, Gavin & Schneider, Simone & Lang, Mara & Caniglia, Romolo & Galaverni, Marco & Schleimer, Anna & Bücs, Szilárd Lehel & Pir, Jacques. (2022). Conservation by trans-border cooperation: population genetic structure and diversity of Geoffroy's bat (Myotis emarginatus) at its north-western European range edge. Biodiversity and Conservation. 10.1007/s10531-022-02371-3.

Mathieu and Patrick publish in the Journal of Biogeography!

o   Landry, Mathieu & James, Patrick & Kneeshaw, Dan & Kembel, Steven. (2022). Spruce budworm bacterial communities vary among sites and host tree species in a boreal landscape. Journal of Biogeography. 10.1111/jbi.14299.

Jack publishes in Ecological Monographs!

o   Chemical disturbance cues in aquatic systems: a review and prospectus. (2022). Ecological Monographs., 92(1). https://doi.org/10.1002/ecm.1487



Lab update - COVID edition!

May 2021

  • Doriana has been awarded an NSERC UGRA to work on fire-mountain pine beetle interactions. Congrats Doriana!

April 2021

  • Clara attends the virtual 2021-IALE North American Annual Meeting

  • Patrick presents at the Fire in MN Ecosystem Symposium! Watch a recording of his presentation here

  • JP’s paper in Biogeography is featured on The New Scientist – read it here. Congrats JP!

  • Patrick is involved in a new paper on insect-fire interactions - read it here

March 2021

  • JP’s paper in the Journal of Biogeography is published. Congrats JP!

Fontenelle, João Pedro & Marques, Fernando & Kolmann, Matthew & Lovejoy, Nathan. (2021). Biogeography of the neotropical freshwater stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Potamotrygoninae) reveals effects of continent‐scale paleogeographic change and drainage evolution. Journal of Biogeography. 10.1111/jbi.14086.

  • Jack’s paper in Current Zoology is published. Congrats Jack!

Goldman, Jack & Crane, Adam & Feyten, Laurence & Collins, Emily & Brown, Grant. (2021). Disturbance cue communication is shaped by emitter diet and receiver background risk in Trinidadian guppies. Current Zoology. 10.1093/cz/zoab025.

February 2021

  • Franck successfully defends his PhD on February 19th! Congratulations Franck!

January 2021

  • Morgane Henry joins the lab as a PhD student, co-supervised by Brian Leung at McGill University. Welcome Morgane!

December 2020

  • Julia presents her MFC capstone project: The Spatial Genetic Structure of a Spruce Budworm Outbreak. Congrats Julia!

  • JP is invited to give an online lecture on the use of molecular data for phylogeography, biogeography and diversity at Universidade do Estadual Paulista (UNESP)/ Brazil

November 2020

  • João Pedro Fontenelle joins the lab as a PDF after defending his PhD in September. Welcome JP!

September 2020

  • The James Lab gets much bigger:

  • Doriana Romualdi joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher

  • Kennedy Korkola joins the lab as a MScF student

  • Clara Risk, Jack Goldman and Jared Haney join the lab as PhD students

  • Franck Gandiaga joins the lab as a Post Doctoral Fellow

June 2020

  • Jonas Hamberg joins the lab as a PDF. Welcome Jonas!

April 2020

  • Niamh and Julian attend the (virtual) 2020-IALE North American Annual Meeting

  • Julia Fang begins an internship in the lab as a Masters in Forest Conservation student. Her research will focus on looking at the genetic structure of a spruce budworm outbreak

September 2019

  • Niamh Wall joins the lab as a PhD student, co-supervised by Marie-Josée Fortin (EEB)



A new chapter ...

As of July 1 2019, the James lab has officially moved to the Graduate Department of Forestry, in the Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto. Looking forward to new projects, challenges, and collaborations around forestry and forest conservation!


New paper in Ecological Modelling

Patricia’s paper on simulating the effects of different initial levels of genetic diversity on the probability of plantation success has been accepted in Ecological Modelling. Congratulations Patricia!

Sujii PS, Nagaib ME, Zucchic MI, Brancaliond PHS, James PMA. 2019. A genetic approach for simulating persistence of reintroduced tree species populations in forest restoration areas. Ecological Modeling. (in press)

CSEE 2018!

Ryan, Jennifer, Julian, Jeremy, and Patrick all participate in the 2018 CSEE meeting in Guelph! Great talks and discussions all around. 

Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Funding Approved!

Phase II of the Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Strategy project was funded by the federal government! This means we will be looking for new graduate students to join our team in the near future.


The sustainable management of our natural resources leads to long term economic opportunity. Research on the spruce budworm, one of the most damaging pests to spruce trees in Canada, has identified ways to protect forests against its cyclical outbreaks. This is critical to support the forest industry and, in turn, jobs in parts of the country—such as Atlantic Canada—where the forestry sector is an important part of the economy. Through Budget 2018, the Government proposes to take action alongside Atlantic provinces and the forest industry, by making available up to $74.75 million over five years, starting in 2018–19, based on a 60:40 federal to provincial and industry cost sharing basis, to prevent the spread of spruce budworm. Federal contributions will come from Natural Resources Canada. This will allow government, academia, industry and other stakeholders to continue to work together to protect our forests and support the economy.

Some details here : http://business.financialpost.com/news/federal-budget-fine-print-a-look-at-some-details-that-might-have-slipped-under-the-radar


Catching up...

It's been a while since there has been an update - so here is a summary of the what has been going on in the James lab for the past few months!

November 2017

  • Jade Canape joins the team as resident lab wizard and DNA wrangler. Welcome Jade!
  • Jeremy travelled to Quebec City for bioinformatics training at IBIS!
  • Patrick gave an invited talk at McGill

December 2017

  • Jennifer, Julian, and Jeremy presented their projects at the 2017 QCBS Symposium!

January 2018

  • Patrick starts his sabbatical year!
  • Patrick gave invited talks at the University of Toronto at Mississauga and Trent University / OMNRF!
  • Patrick spent two weeks with Marie-Josee Fortin at the University of Toronto working on spatial statistics questions

February 2018

  • Jennifer Sauri won best student poster at the UdeM Forum Environnement 2018!
Jennifer presenting her excellent poster

Jennifer presenting her excellent poster

March 2018

  • Jeremy and Marion presented their projects at the Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Science Workshop in Fredericton, NB.
  • Julian was awarded a bourse de la réussite étudiante!
  • Paul Mayrand (former Msc student) was nominated for the Governor General’s gold medal for this thesis!
  • Dominique Caron presented his project on modelling the spatial scale of mountain pine beetle genetic connectivity at the Annual Symposium du Département de Sciences Biologiques
  • Dominique was also accepted as a stagiaire at Ouranos for the summer!
  • Diana has finished her stage with us and has returned to Brazil! Until next time Daiana!
Marion explains the complex relationships between birds and spruce budworm in Fredericton ...

Marion explains the complex relationships between birds and spruce budworm in Fredericton ...

Julian presents in France!

Julian Wittische recently took part in a data challenge and summer school on software and statistical methods for population genetics, in Aussois, France. Participants analyzed simulated and empirical datasets with the objective of finding adaptive loci using the different state-of-the-art software introduced by the authors of the packages themselves.

Julian teamed up with Florian Privé (@privefl - https://twitter.com/privefl) and they made it to the data challenge podium as the top student team! A well-organized, challenging and instructive summer school!


Jeremy goes to ConGen

Thanks to the generous support of the QCBS, Jeremy travelled to beautiful Montana to participate in the 2017 edition of the Conservation Genetics Course: ConGenApplications of Next Gen Sequencing to Understand Population Structure, Adaptation, and Environmental Influences on Genomic Variation. 
