It's been a while since there has been an update - so here is a summary of the what has been going on in the James lab for the past few months!
November 2017
- Jade Canape joins the team as resident lab wizard and DNA wrangler. Welcome Jade!
- Jeremy travelled to Quebec City for bioinformatics training at IBIS!
- Patrick gave an invited talk at McGill
December 2017
- Jennifer, Julian, and Jeremy presented their projects at the 2017 QCBS Symposium!
January 2018
- Patrick starts his sabbatical year!
- Patrick gave invited talks at the University of Toronto at Mississauga and Trent University / OMNRF!
- Patrick spent two weeks with Marie-Josee Fortin at the University of Toronto working on spatial statistics questions
February 2018
- Jennifer Sauri won best student poster at the UdeM Forum Environnement 2018!
Jennifer presenting her excellent poster
March 2018
- Jeremy and Marion presented their projects at the Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Science Workshop in Fredericton, NB.
- Julian was awarded a bourse de la réussite étudiante!
- Paul Mayrand (former Msc student) was nominated for the Governor General’s gold medal for this thesis!
- Dominique Caron presented his project on modelling the spatial scale of mountain pine beetle genetic connectivity at the Annual Symposium du Département de Sciences Biologiques
- Dominique was also accepted as a stagiaire at Ouranos for the summer!
- Diana has finished her stage with us and has returned to Brazil! Until next time Daiana!
Marion explains the complex relationships between birds and spruce budworm in Fredericton ...