Catching up...

It's been a while since there has been an update - so here is a summary of the what has been going on in the James lab for the past few months!

November 2017

  • Jade Canape joins the team as resident lab wizard and DNA wrangler. Welcome Jade!
  • Jeremy travelled to Quebec City for bioinformatics training at IBIS!
  • Patrick gave an invited talk at McGill

December 2017

  • Jennifer, Julian, and Jeremy presented their projects at the 2017 QCBS Symposium!

January 2018

  • Patrick starts his sabbatical year!
  • Patrick gave invited talks at the University of Toronto at Mississauga and Trent University / OMNRF!
  • Patrick spent two weeks with Marie-Josee Fortin at the University of Toronto working on spatial statistics questions

February 2018

  • Jennifer Sauri won best student poster at the UdeM Forum Environnement 2018!
Jennifer presenting her excellent poster

Jennifer presenting her excellent poster

March 2018

  • Jeremy and Marion presented their projects at the Spruce Budworm Early Intervention Science Workshop in Fredericton, NB.
  • Julian was awarded a bourse de la réussite étudiante!
  • Paul Mayrand (former Msc student) was nominated for the Governor General’s gold medal for this thesis!
  • Dominique Caron presented his project on modelling the spatial scale of mountain pine beetle genetic connectivity at the Annual Symposium du Département de Sciences Biologiques
  • Dominique was also accepted as a stagiaire at Ouranos for the summer!
  • Diana has finished her stage with us and has returned to Brazil! Until next time Daiana!
Marion explains the complex relationships between birds and spruce budworm in Fredericton ...

Marion explains the complex relationships between birds and spruce budworm in Fredericton ...