May 2022

January 2022

·       Clara and Patrick publish in Earth and Space Science:

o   Risk C & James PMA. Optimal cross-validation strategies for selection of spatial models in the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Earth and Space Science

·       Jonas publishes in Urban Ecosystems:

o   Gaudon, Justin & Mctavish, Michael & Hamberg, Jonas & Cray, Heather & Murphy, Stephen. (2022). Noise attenuation varies by interactions of land cover and season in an urban/peri-urban landscape. Urban Ecosystems. 1-8. 10.1007/s11252-021-01194-4.

February 2022

·       Paul Piascik joins the lab as a technician! Paul has been helping the team plan and will be joining Franck, Kennedy, and Léo in the upcoming field season.


March 2022

·       Niamh passes her Qualifying Exam!

April 2022

·       In addition to helping devise a method to analyze point clouds collected from forests using a Terrestrial LiDAR scanner, Léo is helping prepare for the upcoming field season in Timmins, North Bay, and Northwestern Ontario.

May 2022

·       Léo receives an NSERC USRA to use LiDAR to model how forest fuels change through time following an insect outbreak. Congrats Léo!

·       JP publishes in Integrative and Comparative Biology and Zoologica Scripta:

o   Kolmann, M. K., Marques, F. P. L., Weaver, J., Dean, M. N., Fontenelle, J. P., Lovejoy, N. R. 2022 Ecological and Phenotypic Diversification After A Continental Invasion in Neotropical Freshwater Stingrays. Integrative and Comparative Biology.

o   Frable, B. W., Melo, B. F., Fontenelle, J. P., Oliveira, C., & Sidlauskas, B. L. 2022. Biogeographic reconstruction of the migratory Neotropical fish family Prochilodontidae (Teleostei: Characiformes). Zoologica Scripta 51.3 (2022): 348-364..

·       JP is invited to the San Francisco Aquarium Society and the Sacremento Aquarium Society:

o   2022. Fontenelle, J. P. The diversity of the Neotropical Freshwater Stingrays (Potamotrygoninae): Evolutionary perspectives and Aquarism. Invited presentations for the San Francisco Aquarium Society and the Sacramento Aquarium Society. Californa/USA.

·       Patrick publishes in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change:

o   Martin AR, Kish R, James PMA, Mariani RO, Schurman JS, Thomas SC & Young EN. Beech bark disease in an unmanaged temperate forest: patterns, predictors, and impacts on ecosystem function. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change

·       Sophie joins the podcast For Peats Sake to talk about peatland fires! Listen here