Warmer weather is here and the budworm are doing ... budworm things. In an effort to continue monitoring the spatial and temporal connectivity of geographically separate, yet synchronous, patches of SBW defoliation, we are collecting late instar larvae and pupae from multiple site across Quebec. These larvae will be reared to adult moths and then genotyped.
Lab Picnic
Beautiful day on the north face of Mt. Royal for a picnic with the lab.
Tout le gang... (minus Jennifer, ce qui prend la photo)
New paper in Plant Biology!
A. Marcer, D. S. Vidigal, P. M. A. James, M.-J. Fortin, B. Méndez- Vigo, H. W. M. Hilhorst, L. Bentsink, C. Alonso-Blanco, F. X. Picó. 2017. Temperature fine-tunes Mediterranean Arabidopsis thaliana life-cycle phenology geographically. Plant Biology
Check out the full paper here!
Fire-Budworm paper accepted in Ecological Applications!
Patrick and Louis-Etienne, in collaboration with Mike Wotton and Dave Martell at the University of Toronto, and Rich Fleming at the CFS in Sault Ste. Marie have finally published our paper on how historical spruce budworm defoliation affects the risk of fire ignition. And the result? Defoliation can both increase and decrease ignition risk, depending on seasonal timing, time since defoliation, and ecoregion. You can check it out here.
Welcome Jennifer
Jennifer Suari has joined the lab as a new MSc student co-supervised between Patrick and Lillian Perez in the Department of Geography. Jennifer will work on developing an individual-based simulation model of spruce budworm - black spruce phenology to investigate the risk of budworm range expansion in response to climate change. Welcome Jennifer!
PostDoc position available on bird-budworm interactions
A PDF version of this post can be found here.
Insectivorous birds as indicators of future defoliation by the spruce budworm
We are seeking a post-doctoral research associate with strong analytical skills to participate in a project involving complex spatio-temporal analyses. The desired candidate should have a recent PhD in ecology with a strong quantitative component. Desired skills include: management of large, complex spatio-temporal data bases, GIS, scientific programming (e.g., R), and results-driven statistical modelling. Field experience in forest ecology would be an asset.
A competitive salary will be offered, commensurate with experience.
Supervision : the project is codirected by Marc-André Villard (UQAR), Dan Kneeshaw (UQÀM), Patrick James (U. de Montréal), Jean-François Poulin (WSP Canada), and Louis de Grandpré (Ressources naturelles Canada – Québec), with the collaboration of Udaya Vepakomma (FPInnovations).
Home institution: UQÀM. Please send a CV and a cover letter to marc-andre_villard@uqar.ca by 31 October 2016
Les oiseaux insectivores en tant qu’indicateurs de défoliation future par la tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette
Nous sommes à la recherche d’une candidate ou d’un candidat ayant de fortes aptitudes pour l’analyse de données écologiques spatiotemporelles complexes. La personne recherchée devra détenir un doctorat en écologie avec une solide composante biostatistique. Les aptitudes recherchées incluent la gestion de bases de données spatio-temporelles complexes, l’utilisation de SIG, la programmation scientifique (p. ex. : R), ainsi que la modélisation statistique fondée sur les résultats. Une connaissance de terrain en écologie forestière serait un atout.
Un salaire compétitif sera offert à la personne retenue, en tenant compte de son expérience.
Supervision : le projet est codirigé par Marc-André Villard (UQAR), Dan Kneeshaw (UQÀM), Patrick James (U. de Montréal), Jean-François Poulin (WSP Canada) et Louis de Grandpré (Ressources naturelles Canada – Québec), avec la collaboration d’Udaya Vepakomma (FPInnovations).
Lieu de travail : UQÀM. Veuillez faire parvenir un CV ainsi qu’une lettre de présentation à
marc-andre_villard@uqar.ca d’ici au 31 octobre 2016.
Conference Season
Congratulations to everyone who presented talks and posters during this spring. Julian Wittische, Simon Legault, and Simon Landry presented at the annual CEF meeting and our organized ACFAS session on spruce budworm dynamics. Paul Mayrand, Louis-Etienne Robert and Patrick presented talks at the CEF meeting as well.
Here's picture of the proud lads with their posters. Great work!
We're looking for a PopGen / GBS / landscape genetics Post Doc!
Are you a motivated and talented researcher in molecular ecology and population genetics? Are you also looking for a challenging and rewarding post-doctoral research project in a great lab in a great University in a great city?
If this is you, we are currently seeking a motivated and highly qualified post-doctoral researcher for a 1 year contract to study dispersal and population dynamics in the spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) using landscape genetics. This work is part of a large inter-disciplinary and multi-institutional research program dedicated to better understanding the fundamental ecology of the budworm outbreak system. The specific project will investigate how dispersal, landscape connectivity, and climate affect spatial-temporal population dynamics and how this information can be used to improve estimates of outbreak risk in forest areas not yet affected.
The successful candidate is expected to have experience in molecular ecology (e.g., GBS), landscape genetics, and strong skills in statistical analysis (e.g., R). Additional skills and/or curiosity in landscape ecology, forest entomology, GIS, and management of large data sets are desired. Some experience in forestry and forest management issues in Canada would also be useful.
To apply please send me (patrick.ma.james@umontreal.ca) your current CV, contact information for three references, a writing sample (i.e., a published paper), and a precise cover letter outlining your research experience and interests by April 1, 2016.
The expected starting date is September 2016; earlier may be possible. Note that applicants are expected to have completed their PhD at the time the contract begins.
Session spéciale sur le TBE à l'ACFAS 2016
Patrick et autres organisent une session spéciale à l'ACFAS le 9 mai 2016 à l'UQAM (Montreal) intitulé : Vers la nouvelle épidémie de tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette: évaluation des impacts et élaboration des interventions. Cette session a pour but de regrouper les experts sur les divers sujets touchant la tordeuse. La première partie de la journée sera dédiée à des présentations des plus récents travaux et sera suivi vers la fin de la journée d’une discussion sur les enjeux importants, les besoins de recherche et les collaborations potentielles. Si vous êtes intéressés à participer à la session, vous pouvez contacter Patrick!
Colin's new adventure
Dr. Colin Garroway, popgen whiz and resident spruce bduworm genomics expert, is heading west to take up a new and exciting position as Assistant Professor of Population Genetics at the University of Manitoba. Best of luck Colin!
ESC / SEQ Joint Meeting
This year, the Entomological Society of Canada held its annual meeting in Montreal in combination with the Quebec Entomological Society. Patrick, Colin, Olivier, Simon, and uundergraduate lab member Chloé all presented research. Great conference, great talks, and great plenary speakers including May Berenbaum, Marcel Dicke, Jessica Hellman, and Jessica Forrest. On the lab side of things I was very proud to see many awards given to presenting lab members! Olivier was awarded the President's Prize in Forest Ecology for his talk, Simon was awarded the Prix Melville-Duporte for his presentation, and Chloe won second place for her poster. Congrats everyone!
New arrivals....
Big welcome to Ronan Marrec, a new post-doc in the lab who will be working on the meta-community dynamics of spruce budworm-associated parasitoids.
C'est la rentrée!
New paper !
New paper by Dorothy Maguire on insect herbivory and ecosystem services accepted in Global Ecology and Conservation. Congratulations Dorothy! Details here.
Modelling Forest Complexity Summer School
Patrick and Paul participated in the annual Modelling Forest Complexity Summer School. Patrick presented a two day course on Landscape Genetics - course details can be found in the teaching section.
MFC Scholarship for Julian!
Julian Wittische is the recipient of a Modelling Forest Complexity doctoral scholarship for 2 years. Congratulations Julian!
New arrivals...
Big welcome to Colin Garroway, a new post-doctoral researcher in the lab on the ACOA-funded SBW spatial genomics project.