May 2022
Jack publishes in Forests:
Messaoud Y, A. Reid, N. M. Tchebakova, J. A. Goldman, and A. Hofgaard. 2022. The Historical Complexity of Tree Height Growth Dynamic Associated with Climate Change in Western North America. Forests 13:738.
Sophie accepts Assistant Professor Position in Applied Terrestrial Ecology in the School of Resource and Environmental Management in the Faculty of the Environment at Simon Fraser University – CONGRATS SOPHIE!
June 2022
JP and Niamh attend the workshop "Conservation Genomics"
Clara, Kennedy, Jack, Sophie and Franck present at NAFEW
Patrick, Sophie, Doriana and Franck travelled to jasper to participate in a mountain beetle workshop in Jasper with Laura Chasmer’s team where they discussed the impact of Mountain pine Beetle on Wildfire risk in Alberta with a focus on Jasper’s National Park. Where Franck and Doriana presented some of their research.
Jack was awarded 3rd place in the student presentation competition for his talk on the relationship between moisture availability and burn severity at NAFEW 2022
July 2022
JP becomes a Dad! Welcome baby Senan
A field team composed of Paul, Kennedy, Franck, Léo as well as two volunteer students from the École d’Ingénieurs de PURPAN, Enzo Recchia and Hermine Septier characterized the impact of two outbreaking species of insects, the eastern spruce budworm and the jack pine budworm on forest structure and forest fuels across northern Ontario.
August 2022
JP, Jack, Clara, Morgane and Patrick attend ESA in Montreal!
Patrick publishes a review of insect-fires interactions in Current Forestry Reports:
Fettig CJ, Runyon JB, Homicz CS, James PMA & Ulyshen MD. 2022. Fire and Insect Interactions in North American Forests. Current Forestry Reports, 1-16.
September 2022
Doriana was awarded Ontario Graduate Scholarship, congratulations Doriana!!!
The lab welcomes two new undergraduate students Jacob Klimczak and Cameron Gibson. Jacob and Cameron are joining the lab to study the effect of jack pine budworm on forest structure in Northern Ontario using the data collected during the last field season.
October 2022
Jonas and Patrick publish in Remote Sensing of Environment
Hamberg, L. J., Fisher, J. B., Ruppert, J. L., Tureček, J., Rosen, D. H., & James, P. M. (2022). Assessing and modeling diurnal temperature buffering and evapotranspiration dynamics in forest restoration using ECOSTRESS thermal imaging. Remote Sensing of Environment, 280, 113178.
November 2022
Sophie, Doriana, Kennedy, Leo and Jack represented our lab group at the Wildland Fire Conference in Edmonton.
Clara Presented at the CANSSI Ontario Statistical Software Conference